Citizen Care

Check out our program for the differently abled! Click here to view live numbers from Seva Setu’s data-bank

“Can you please tell me how to obtain a Birth Certificate? My son is already 5 years old and the school is asking for the birth certificate”
“How do I get my Old age pension under Indira Gandhi Vridhawastha Pension Yojana?”
“Is there any welfare scheme by the government for the differently abled son of mine? We are very poor.”
“I need to get my Voter ID card and the village broker charges very high rates. Can you help?”
“The cyber café wala asks for Rs 50 to apply for my income certificate online. Can you help?”

Well, above is just a sample of the questions we encountered during our field work in various villages, which prompted us to do something about these recurring questions & concerns. And thus was born another of our programs – “Citizen Care”

In today’s world where information is available at the click of a button, a majority of the population in India, mainly in the villages, have to spend disproportionate amount of time, energy and money either running around many government offices or engaging with middlemen to obtain even basic information on facilities/services/schemes actually designed for them.

In order to reduce this information asymmetry we have set up a Citizen Care service, akin to any customer care service provided a private sector organization. The Citizen Care service is built on telephone facility managed by “Seva Setu” team where people can call to seek support and guidance related to availing government scheme benefits/ services/ information.

Under this service, though the focus is more on information dissemination, we also facilitate the actual delivery of the benefits/certificates/services through our field workers at various aggregation events.

In the long term we look to expand this program to scale up as a platform which could act as a Google for the poor, a single window for all the prospective beneficiaries for all their information needs.

Check out our program for the differently abled! Click here to view live numbers from Seva Setu’s data-bank

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