25 Sep

Stitching a Better Future | Launch of Sewing Centers

With a small sewing training center in Kewalla village, Manhiari block of‪#‎Katihar‬ district, we launched our field work there three weeks back. We share some pics from the newly launched center 🙂

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An ‘Of the People, By the People, For the People’ initiative as the young girls and women from ‪#‎Vaishali‬, ‪#‎Patna‬, ‪#‎Samstipur‬ and #Katihar districts in ‪#‎Bihar‬, stitch a better future with us. Some stats relevant to our sewing initiative:

Locations: #Patna, #Vaishali, ‪#‎Samastipur‬ and #Katihar in Bihar
Total number of Sewing Training Centers: 13 (9 Active + 4 Looking for sufficient number of trainees to restart)
Number of young girls and women trained so far: 64
Number of young girls and women under training: 165
Units of Petticoats and Blouses stitched and sold so far: Around 6,000

A brief introduction to our sewing initiative:

We visit local communities, locate a skilled trainer (usually we always find one within the community itself), canvass potential trainees and after few rounds of discussion, we agree on a convenient place within the community itself to launch the sewing training center. We provide Rs. 7,000 as seed capital (The cost of Sewing Machine + Accessories Cost). Post that, we connect them to the wholesalers/retailers who buy stitched petticoats and blouses. Young girls and women get hands on experience in stitching and sewing. After the training hours, they enthusiastically work to produce for the orders received and deliver within committed timelines. With the capital provided for training and the revenue generated by selling finished products, the sewing center and participants earn enough not only to sustain but also pocket some regular profits on a regular basis.

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