18 Nov

A ray of hope in fighting malnutrition..

Last month we shared with you the difficulties and hurdles we were facing in admitting malnourished kids to Nutritional Rehabilitation Center (NRC). We cited the reluctance of parents coupled with the distance of NRC from the villages as the primary reason for our failure in admitting kids. On one hand, we could see a number of kids suffering from severe malnourishment and on the other hand almost 15 out 20 seats remained vacant in NRC. This ironical and unfortunate status quo always acted as an impetus for us to put our extra efforts in this direction. We are pleased to announce that we managed to overcome the hurdles to some extent and succeeded in admitting 11 kids to NRC in the last couple of weeks. Considering the poor ratio of admission in the last month, this is a big number and it will indeed encourage us to make further strides in this direction. We would like to share the credit with our field workers who proactively convinced the parents to get their kids admitted in NRC. Our field workers apprised them of the benefits of NRC and at the same time cautioned them about the long-term impacts of malnourishment on their kids. As we already mentioned about the distance of NRC from their villages, Seva Setu also hired an auto for the kids and parents who were unable to afford travel expenses.
All the admitted kids are now under the supervision of NRC staffs and are getting the required nutritional diet and care. We hope that all of them come out as healthy kids and shape their future without being obstructed by any health related issues. This is eventually the ultimate goal of Seva Setu.

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